I know that Sparlock is slated for execution
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
Today is my birthday
by Gojira_101 inwell so far it is a fantastic day!
i know my grandma isn't going to call me like she does every year to say she is happy i was born.
you know the jw form of wishing someone a happy birthday.
So very confused and scared!
by MissConfused ini am so nervous and waited for long to speak to someone on my faiths and beliefs!
i am from a non-christian background, a hindu.
i got to know 'the truth' (or myth) from my hubby while we were working.
Newly Enlightened
Welcome to JWN! Glad to have you here with us.
Funniest Talk or Weird Things That Happened In Your Hall.
by Nephilim inthere is always at least 2 or 3 really crazy persons in the kingdom hall.
the kind of person that when they raise their hand the speaker on stage knows he's taking a gamble if he calls on them - yet he can't discriminate.. anyhow, i remember one time a younger brother was doing sound and one of those crazy brothers was about to give his 5 minute talk (i forget what number that was, prior to them just reading scripture).
the crazy brother slipped the young brother doing sound a cd and said "play this when i get on stage".. well, he gets up on stage and all of a sudden hawaiian music starts playing... the man on stage just starts dancing.
Newly Enlightened
But the MOST BIZARRE thing, didn't happen inside the kingdom hall but at a sister's house. I got invited to a baby shower for her horse. Yes, I said horse. I didn't go because it was just too weird for my taste, plus I was working.
My mom & mother in law went and was raving at how much fun it was, until the whackadoodle horse sister said she had a video of the baby being born. Which wasn't too bad, but the video started with her horses doing the nasty! Yep, she took video of the conception also! OMG!
I was so glad I didn't go. They even gave horse gifts.
Funniest Talk or Weird Things That Happened In Your Hall.
by Nephilim inthere is always at least 2 or 3 really crazy persons in the kingdom hall.
the kind of person that when they raise their hand the speaker on stage knows he's taking a gamble if he calls on them - yet he can't discriminate.. anyhow, i remember one time a younger brother was doing sound and one of those crazy brothers was about to give his 5 minute talk (i forget what number that was, prior to them just reading scripture).
the crazy brother slipped the young brother doing sound a cd and said "play this when i get on stage".. well, he gets up on stage and all of a sudden hawaiian music starts playing... the man on stage just starts dancing.
Newly Enlightened
Good post Sweetie, I had forgotten about that guy, but just want to add something to my daughter Gojira's post above, about that elder that was stuck in the 70's. I remember kids in the audience turning to their parents after he had said 'Crap' and asking them if they could now say crap.
He also stated that large congregation anniversary parties were wrong. Which ironically, we had just thrown our PO/COBE and his wife their 50 th wedding party at a rented hall the previous weekend. Right after the meeting, the visiting speaker was hauled in the back room with 3 of the elders. Hubby was serving as an MS at the time and asked the PO what was going to be done about this because what that brother said was not right. PO told him what had happened afterwards and that they even called that brother's congregation Elder's and told them how wrong he had been and that they didn't want him here again. The following Thurs night our PO, got up and gave a local needs talk and disputed publically what that visiting elder had said. That brother was never invited to give another talk in our hall again.
Funniest Talk or Weird Things That Happened In Your Hall.
by Nephilim inthere is always at least 2 or 3 really crazy persons in the kingdom hall.
the kind of person that when they raise their hand the speaker on stage knows he's taking a gamble if he calls on them - yet he can't discriminate.. anyhow, i remember one time a younger brother was doing sound and one of those crazy brothers was about to give his 5 minute talk (i forget what number that was, prior to them just reading scripture).
the crazy brother slipped the young brother doing sound a cd and said "play this when i get on stage".. well, he gets up on stage and all of a sudden hawaiian music starts playing... the man on stage just starts dancing.
Newly Enlightened
I guess we were just in one of those weird congregations that bizarre things were always going on....There was a brother that would give me the heebeejeebees. I'll call him WH. Then we found out that before he became a JW he did drugs and his brain was fried. He made silver & turquoise jewelry and had a shop in a nearby tourist town. So hubby asked him for a little bit of silver solder and WH gave him some in a plastic prescription bottle. Hubby could not get this silver solder to work. No matter how much heat he used, it would not flux. So hubby threw the bottle in his tool box and forgot about it.
So in the meantime, one Thursday night WH comes running into the KH, out of breath and says "They're after me"! I looked outside and there was 2 cop cars parked out front....now don't get ahead of me... 2 elders were talking to the cops and told them that they could not come in and arrest anyone, making a scene and disrupting our meeting. So the cops left. This went on for about 2 weeks. The cops would sit in their cars down at the end of the KH driveway on the side of the highway. It finally stopped and WH disappeared. A week or 2 later we saw in the newspaper where WH was arrested for 'dealing Meth'. The entire cong. was shocked.
Several years later when we were moving to the midwest we came across that little bottle of silver solder. We opened it up and it was yellowish crystals. The weirdest solder we had ever seen. I smelled it and there was a chlorine smell. Holy crap! It was crystal Meth! We got rid of that so fast!
Hi everyone !!!
by Durden ini am durden.. a teenager that is an unbaptized publisher and is trying to leave this damn cult !!!.
i have been lurking here for some time and i decided to start posting with this intro.. im from europe, both my parents are jw's, my parents are both teachers (math teachers).. my parents are "softcore" jw's, they accept all my questions and try to answer them.. i am trying to "convert" my dad (an elder which might complicate things), me and my dad recently had various discussions about the org ("discussions" on the good sense of the word).. we talked about jehovah in the nt, 1975, 1914, gb in 1st century, the cross, "new lights" ..., you know the usual stuff.. and all is going well i think, i think i can "convert" him until the end of summer.. i mean is a logical man, what can go wrong ?
man, when i found jwfacts it was like my world had collapsed, all thoses lies .... but its good now to have found the truth.
Newly Enlightened
Welcome Durden. Glad you found the real truth.
Intro - First time Post- Ventilation (it's a good read actually)
by BLWashington incurrently from houston, tx, but spent most of my life in chicago.
i've never had an opportunity to just get this out... so i apologize for the long-windedness in advance... .
i spent the first 17 years of my life in a jw home, then the real world caught up to me.
Newly Enlightened
WELCOME BL. Nice to have you here with us. Thanks for posting your story. It has always confounded me at how judgmental Witnesses can be.
Sticky situations
by Sammy Jenkis ini was remembering today this situation that i let get out of hand because i was too damaged to let my co-workers and my boss know i was a jw when i was still inside.
it was hard to explain to people something so foreign and out of this world as being a witness and never before had the difficulty been as hard as when one of our co-workers birthdays came around.. i dreaded the moment because i'd played pretty cool and dodged any questions that might reveal my religious inclinations.. but:.
my boss came over to my desk and gave me this card to sign, she asked if i'd like to sign it.
Newly Enlightened
Awesome story MissFit!
13 bloodlines of the illuminati
by truthhurts13 inthis may have been talked about already, but i didn't see anything.
i was doing some research and keep seeing ole charley's name on this list.
it does make sense though, the more i think about it......
Newly Enlightened
I forgot to add that in that documentary, Francis Bacon wrote a book entitled "The New Atlantis" that is the 'manual' of Freemasonry that the founding fathers used to set up the United States.
13 bloodlines of the illuminati
by truthhurts13 inthis may have been talked about already, but i didn't see anything.
i was doing some research and keep seeing ole charley's name on this list.
it does make sense though, the more i think about it......
Newly Enlightened
Sarahsmile is correct. We know a 32nd degree Freemason that used to be a JW. So he enlightened us and told us several things...
The Freemason members do not know of any higher degrees above 33 until you get there yourself. He said that there could be thousands of degrees but it is all very secret with a 'Blood oath". The higher degrees are known as "THE WHITE HATS" because they always wore them. They are also known as the "ELITE ONES or Illuminati"
Charles T. Russell was higher than a 33rd degree and the lodge/temple WILL NOT TELL ANYONE BELOW A 33RD DEGREE WHO MEMBERS ARE OR WHO THE WHITE HATS ARE!
That was all he could tell us without breaking his oath. But he was very surprised at how much we knew about the Freemasons because common public isn't supposed to know some of these things. We learned them on a documentary entitled "Secrets of the Founding Fathers of America"